Friday 1 July 2011

Cracking tutorial-01

     Cracking Tutorial

                      by Hacker Vinoth

          A long time a go, in a galaxy far far away, a great adventure took ... What, oh sorry, wrong textfile.Let me tell you a little history about cracking on the  IBMpc.  It all started about 11 years ago with an apple IIe. See, I owned one and always wanted to learn how to crack (I was already a good pirate).  Unfortunately, I just never  could get the hang of it.     

             Well anyway, then I got my PC, and right away started to
         learn to program.  Soon, I had pick up oh 4 languages one of
         which was assemble language.  So I started down the long road
         to becoming a crackist.

              But the road was hard since unlike the apple, there were
         NO textfiles on cracking the PC.  Several unprotects, but
         nothing that really told you what to do.  But thanks to some
         of the better known crackists of the day (Thanks SPI for the
         help) I got through.

              It was at that point I decided to give something back.
         And thus, after a long (and I mean long) night of sex, drugs
         and rock and roll I started on my first cracking textfile.
         (Ok, so there really wasn't any drugs)

              Since then, I have written about 10 different textfiles,
         4 utilities and cracked several dozen programs.  So, why the
         long pause, well I never really stopped cracking.  I just
         basicly stuck to myself.  I never released any of my cracks
         cause I was never first but several of my cracking programs
         (most known is SECTOR-C) reached the pirate world.

              So, why am I back.  3 reasons.  First is because now DOC
         CHECKS have taken over the scene and nobody has really
         written about them (plus I'm tired of seeing my old textfiles
         butchered in "CRACKING" mags).  Second is because I have some
         free time, and third, because it was there.

              It feels kinda funny.  I have written this intro file
         several times, and the whole series has been rewritten.  What
         started off as 4 simple textfiles has grown.  I have givin up
         trying to write a book.  What I'm doing is as a new game
         reaches me, I will crack it, and then tell how it was done,
         highlight the odd quirks about the crack.

              I have also compiled a preaty good reference on INT 13h.
         I have included it with this series.  And in the near future,
         I hope to release several utilities that I use to help me

              As of this writing, I have 2 actual lessons done, and 2
         ready to be written.  For the first 2 lessons I touch on both
         types on copy protection (On disk copy protection with
         I.B.M.'s DRAWING ASSISTANT and dos checks with EOA's ESCAPE
         FROM HELL).  I still have to compose 2 more files, 1 more on
         each type (usings STAR CONTROL and CHAMBER OF THE SCI-MUNTANT
         PREISTEST).  From there, who the hells knows.

              So anyway, sit back, watch, listen, learn and if that
         doesn't work, kick a small kid in the head...

               -the cracking guru


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