Saturday, 2 July 2011

How To Password Protect Microsoft Word 2007 Files

How To Password Protect Microsoft Word 2007 Files
We all use Microsoft Word to create documents.But there are certain documents that you dont want other people to access specially when you are on a shared computer in your company and you may have your certain secret data stored in your word document that should not be accessed by your boss or other employee’s.To deal with such a situation Microsoft word 2007 integrated a security feature in Microsoft word so that you can password protect your files.The procedure is quite simple .
In this tutorial I will explain you the step by step procedure with screenshots Of How To Password Protect Microsoft Word 2007 Files
  1. Click on the Microsoft Office Button present on the top left corner of the window.
  2. Now Click on the Save As option
  3. image7vy How To Password Protect Microsoft Word 2007 Files
  4. Now a new window will pop up.Click on Tools option at the bottom of the window.
  5. image8d How To Password Protect Microsoft Word 2007 Files
  6. Now you will have two options.You can select either one or both options
  7. One is Password To Open it will ask for the password every time the document is opened.So to view the document you have to enter the password first.
  8. Second is Password To Modify it will ask for the password every time somebody tries to modify the document.
  9. image9n How To Password Protect Microsoft Word 2007 Files
  10. And thats it.


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