Title of the project: 89C51 Based PC Based Industrial Automation
Domain: PC Based Projects and Embedded
Software: Assembly Language
Relay: 5V, 100Ω SPDT
Power Supply: +5V, 500mA Regulated Power Supply
Display: LED, PC Screen
LED: 5mm White-in-Red, 5mm White-in-Blue
Input: Computer Key Board
Tool: Hyper Terminal
One of the 8051s many powerful features is its integrated UART, otherwise known as a serial port. The fact that the 8051 has an integrated serial port means that you may very easily read and write values to the serial port. If it were not for the integrated serial port, writing a byte to a serial line would be a rather tedious process requiring turning on and off one of the I/O lines in rapid succession to properly "clock out" each individual bit, including start bits, stop bits, and parity bits.
However, we do not have to do this. Instead, we simply need toconfigure the serial ports operation mode and baud rate. Once configured, all we have to do is write to an SFR to write a value to the serial port or read the same SFR to read a value from the serial port. The 8051 will automatically let us know when it has finished sending the character we wrote and will let us know whenever it has received a byte so that we can process it. We do not have to worry about transmission at the bit level--which saves us quite a bit of codingand processing time.
By using this project one can control his various electrical appliances by means of PC using PC’s hyper terminal window. The speed of a fan also can be varied depending on the user’s requirement. LED Indication is provided on the Kit for on/off condition of appliances and fan speed indication.
This project is best suitable for homes, hotels and showrooms to control all the electrical appliances and fan speed from a centralized point. This project uses regulated 5V power supply.
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