Saturday 24 September 2011

facebook trick - Appear Online Only to Selected Friends

facebook doesn't have any option to be invisible in chat. suppose f you don't want to talk some one right now but he starts sending messages, then what will you do??
Try this simple trick and be offline for those whom you want to ignore..

Here’s how to do it:
Go to Chat option at the lower right corner of the page and then, click on Friends List. A small window will appear where you can type and create a new list.  You could name it anything you want. 
On your newly created list, select and start dragging those names that you wish to block. Then set your status to appear offline to this particular group of friends. With this, you now appear completely invisible to them. click on this in that chat window for going online and offline for that group.

Upper image is for going offliine and online

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