Saturday 24 September 2011

NetBIOS Hacking - Breaking into a remote system

NetBios- Network Basic Input output system
Developed as an API for client software for access LAN resources. It's default port is 139
Here i am going to show you how to gain access of remote computer using NetBios. "NETBIOS HACK IS THE EASIEST WAY TO BREAK INTO A REMOTE COMPUTER."

For breaking into a remote computer, you should know the IP address of the remote computer. SO you need to find out a computer to hack into. If you are plugged into LAN, you can begin.
You need to find out the ip of a system in Local subnet. I will suggest you to use Cain and Able.

Download here: 

After downloading the program, run it. Once you have opened up the program click on the sniffer tab, click the Start/Stop sniffer, and then click the blue cross(Add to list).
Another window will pop up, make sure All host in my subnet is selected, and then click ok.

you will get a list of systems with IP address. Select any one. :P

Now open command prompt (cmd).. I think you know how to run cmd.. lol.
we have selected our victim and now we will check it's connectivity with our system by usinng ping.
run this command

ping [IP-address]
ex: c:\>ping
here is ip for ex. use the ip you selected.

if you are getting the reply from that system, you can proceed otherwise choose another ip in case of request timeout.

If you are able to get reply from the IP using ping, go forward and use this.
nbtstat -a [IP address]
ex: c:\>nbtstat -a

now you will get the NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table with MAC Address of the system
IN Table there will be 3 columns.
NAME       Type       Status

You will find a number after name like this <00> or <20>..
Here Name is the name of the syatem you are going to connect. If you are unable to find <20> after the name of the system, it means file sharing is off and you should go for another target.

Now you know that your target is online and it's file sharing is on.

Now locate the shared resources of the system. use Netview command

c:\>net view \\

it will show you the shared resources of the remote system. suppose you get 

share name Type  comment
D  DISK Drive D:\

it means D drive is shared by remote system.

Now we will map this shared drive on our system. Use net use comand.

c:\>net use H: \\\D

Here i Use H for my map drive. You can use any letter except those used as a drive in your system.
NOw open your My computer and you will see this drive H there as a mapped drive of a remote system.

NOTE: You can only access this drive only when you are connected to LAN and remote computer is on.So copy the data from this drive to your local hard drive.



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