Thursday 29 September 2011

XSS Rays: Google Chrome XSS Scanning Extension

XSS Rays: Google Chrome XSS Scanning Extension 

XSS Rays is a complete XSS reversing/scanner tool. You can find how a site is filtering code, check for injections and inspect objects. This tool was originally written as a stand alone application. It is a security tool to help in pen testing of large web sites. It’s main features include a XSS scanner, XSS Reverser and object inspection. If you want to know how a certain page filters output and don’t have its source code, XSS Rays will perform a blackbox reverse of the XSS filter without needing the source code.

You can also extract or view and edit forms non-destructively that normally can’t be edited. For example if you want to modify the value of a checkbox without changing it’s type XSS Rays can link to the object and allow you to change the value without altering the original object.

Features of XSS Rays:
  • Scan
  • Reverse
  • Search
  • Source
  • Inspect window
  • Inspect user define functions
  • Inject forms
  • Edit forms
  • Extract forms
  • DOM Input/Output filter
Seems like people are finally starting to think of Google Chrome as a tool to assist them in penetration tests, etc. We are hoping to see many more extensions like we now have on Mozilla Firefox!

Download Here:


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