Friday 16 December 2011 A working orkut proxy

So, at last i have found a great working Orkut proxythat will allow to access orkut even if it is blocked by your network administrtor, or you are browsing behind any firewall or does allow you do orkutting with almost allthe features running., the most importantly it allows you scrapping which is indeed the main stay of orkut.
I have seen so many proxy sites which claim to access orkut but in reality you can’t even login into orkut with most of them, the reason behind this is that orkut login consists of series of redirections and authentications at four different levels, and it’s always difficult for any proxy site to be compatible at such levels. Even if some proxy sites are able to login into the orkut, you would not be able to do anything more than that. These sites would not be able to do even simple things like scraps and messages. is just the right proxy site i have found for you. Try it ..


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