Wednesday 7 March 2012

How to view Facebook profiles without the timeline – The only working solution

Removing Facebook timeline

The new timeline has been launched officially, and with it as with many upgrades, remember that Facebook had seen a protest from millions of users who would like to go back to see their profile as it was before.
We warn everybody that we are going to reveal the trick though it’s not possible to disable the timeline, but this trick will allow you to see your profile and that of others as it was before. But that does not mean that your friends will not see your timeline. It is not possible to disable the diary and go back, so beware of all scam pages and applications that run on Facebook offering to do just that.

How to see your old profiles

The Timeline launch is a massive update that embraces many functions but it can not be optimized for all browsers because some of these older browser versions can not display it properly.
And in ‘the case of Internet Explorer 7 the timeline is not supported.
All we need to do is then log into Facebook using this browser… it is not easy since we installed IE8 on Windows 7 and now we are at version 9. IE7 is an old browser and run the risk of catching a virus easily navigating with that version. Also here on Tricks Facebook we have always recommended browsers like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, much safer and faster. So how do we do this trick on the recommended browsers?
Mozilla Firefox
If you’re on Firefox, this trick requires that you download the add-on User Agent Switcher which allows you to visit sites on a different browser. Once you have installed and restarted Firefox, select from the tools menu, IE7 and you’ll see the available agents (see picture).
user agent
Now try to visit any profile that has the timeline and you should see your old profile because Facebook believes that you are using Internet Explorer 7. You will notice a big white space on each profile, try to remove it with the installation of Facebook Purity .
old profile
If you use Chrome, you have several alternatives. One is to download the developer version of Chrome , open it and enter into the developer tools (ctrl + shift + s), click on the wheel tool at the bottom left and select the browser user agent overrides to use, in our case, Internet Explorer 7 . (See this video on youtube for a visual explanation)
Another method is to add a parameter when you start Chrome. You will need to right click the Chrome icon and choose Properties of Chrome, chrome boot to the path you have to add a string. In particular, the path will eventually chrome.exe
You’ll need to add (with a space):
- User-agent = “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0, Windows NT 6.0)”
Click OK and you’ll be running Chrome with the new path. Go on Facebook and you should view the profiles to the old style.
Finally, if you are on Safari, you just click Alt to show the menus. Menu developer (Develop) the agent choose the Internet Explorer 7.
deactivate timeline Safari
That’s it.
Remember, only those who have followed the instructions of this article will see the old profiles, all others will see the timeline. Share this article with friends so if you want everyone to see your profile as before!
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