Wednesday 7 March 2012

What gift should I get my friends for Christmas? The Answer is in Facebook!

TricksFacebook Gifts!

Christmas is approaching and anxiety with it … But this year’s gifts search for friends will not be difficult! Facebook helps us! How?
Thanks to the many “likes” every day that we click on sites, pages, links, products and any content everyone has unwittingly created a database of preferences that you can browse and from which to derive a true wish list.
For help with gift ideas we think EasyWish, “a free service that allows you to share with whomever you desire an single object or an entire wishlist (wishlist).” The service allows users to review, organize and manage the “like” for you and your friends, and adding items to your wish list (wishlist). Thanks to EasyWish your friends know what you would like to receive as a gift or what are your holiday wishes and your tastes. Similarly, you can find out what they most desire..


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