Wednesday 7 March 2012

You have 2 minutes to remove the Facebook applications you do not use?

Remove Unused Apps

On this blog we are the first to report several applications to add items to your Facebook profile, some of these are become your favorite applications and other pass into oblivion.
In fact some of the services offered by thousands of applications on Facebook can be of interest to you, many other apps are often tried once or twice and then forgotten… and the same happens with games.
The problem is that every time you authorize an application, we give the permission to access our personal information, often photos and videos, the possibility of publishing the timeline, see our list of friends, etc.. Our Italian Blogger is a true advocate of privacy and he already informed us all over 2 years ago on his blog. But here today, He and I (American author) renew our invitation to you to remove unused applications.
Follow this link to Facebook to remove them:
I also want to refer you a site that collects links to the pages of the most popular social network applications and services on the web:
By visiting it you will have the ability to remove unused applications related to your account on Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Dropbox, Instagram and Flickr.
As the slogan of MyPermissions states: “Start 2012 by Taking 2 Minutes to Clean Your Apps Permissions.”


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